Established in 2004, SMU Komunitas Indonesia (SMUKI) is one of SMU's cultural clubs. The club aims to promote Indonesia's Culture within SMU through student-led activities and to showcase Indonesia's diversity through performances, exhibitions, and workshops. SMUKI’s signature event - Gelar Budaya (GAYA) is a musical production which integrates traditional Indonesian culture with modern aspects.
You can expect tons of fun during the bonding events with your fellow Indonesian students and expand your network through our partnerships with industry leaders during your time here with us! SMUKI will be a place where your fun memories in SMU begin!
GAYA (Gelar Budaya): Signature musical production with over 1,000 spectators annually. This production is open to all students and we welcome non-Indonesians too!
SMUKI Gathering Day x Bidding Workshop: Introduction of the BOSS bidding system to the incoming in conjunction with a welcome dinner with the freshmen and seniors
TIMEBOND: SMUKI’s freshman orientation camp!
MAGER (Makan Together): Food workshop where we introduce various Indonesian dishes to the general SMU community
HARI BUGAR: Compete in fun sports games and get exercise to stay fit during the semester!
PESTA: Annual farewell party for our beloved SMUKI seniors.
SEMBAKO: Welfare drive for SMUKI community to show our support for each other during finals period

GAYA Members
Practices and meetings based on their roles in the production
EXCO Members
Weekly meetings